Get your free PIXIE Smart home design today.


Due to resource limitations currently we have had to temporarily suspend the service until mid-March 2025 – and will not take any more requests to maintain our service levels. Please revisit at the time indicated above when the free service will be made available again.

Free Design Frequently asked questions

What can I expect from my smart home design service?

The PIXIE smart home design team, reviews the plans you submit, confirms which options you’ve decided to included when completing the form, and then sets about creating your smart home design using the PIXIE range of products.

Unless you specifically request us not to, we will PIXIEFY the whole home.

You will receive in return.

  • Your plans marked up with installation locations of products.
  • A complete schedule or matrix of your proposed smart home system operation.
Is this service really free?

Yes there is no fee, no obligation and no strings.

We know that once home owners and electricians understand the simplicity of PIXIE and the sophisticated smart home that can be achieved cost effectively, that making a PIXIE decision for their home is one of the smartest decisions they can make for their home.

How long does it take to complete my smart home design?

We aim to get your PIXIE smart home design to you within  7 working days after submission, due to current enquiry load in 2025. This will depend on the volume of designs and we have the team available to scale as demand increases.

What do I do with my design once I get it back?

You can send the product list or BOM ( build of materials) page directly to your electrician or electrical wholesaler for a price.

The great thing about PIXIE is that you can add and delete as needed to match your design changes and budget needs – this design represents your starting point.

Your electrician can also use these plans for their installation process, saving them time too.

We also provide a free 15 minute Zoom call to answer any immediate questions you have. Details of how to book this call is provided when your design is returned

Please keep us in the loop as your project moves forward.

We are happy to provide up to 3 revisions for your PIXIE smart home design, so as things change and become more certain, please send us your updated plans simply by replying to this email and any notes you think we need to know.


Your PIXIE products are designed in Australia for Australian conditions too.


Need help? Just call the local 1800 Tech Support lines.


You are free to choose the wallplate you love and click, clack snap PIXIE right in.


We've trained thousands of electricians so you can trust PIXIE to work right.

    If you receive an error message with an ORANGE border this means GOOGLE RECPATCHA (anti-SPAM tool) used on this site has identified your email address as a potential SPAM threat.

    This most commonly occurs for SAFARI and FIREFOX users.

    We are in the process of re-training the GOOGLE RECAPTCHA for this site, but the best way is to open and use a different browser to submit again.

    PIXIE smart home - Free smart home design service - Australian smart home

    Did you know?

    PIXIE is designed by our team in Sydney Australia and supported by the people that make it?

    If you ever need to call the toll free 1800 256 843 support number you’ll be speaking to the people that create the PIXIE smart home solution directly. 


    Find a PIXIE Certified Installer Near you

    Use a PIXIE Certified Installer

    If you already have an electrician but they are not yet up-to-speed with PIXIE smart home technology, we will work with you to have them trained at our expense.

    We will provide you details with your returned design how best to get your electrician involved.