Smart Home Ideas for Comfort

How to get the most from your PIXIE Smart Home system with real-world smart home COMFORT examples for Australians.

Comfort: Explore the Benefits of PIXIE Smart Home

We’ve done all the hard work so you don’t have to work hard to enjoy the benefits of your PIXIE smart home, day one.

Or come up with your own ideas and use the simple PIXIE Apps to create your ideal indoor and outdoor environment.

Lighting Comfort

Explore all the ways PIXIE delivers lighting comfort for different rooms in your smart home.
PIXIE Smart home benefits |Smart Home Ideas for Comfort | Lighting comfort

Air Movement

PIXIE delivers air movement comfort depending on your budget and the systems you choose.
PIXIE Smart home benefits |Smart Home Ideas for Comfort | Air movement

Overwhelmed by your Smart Home Choices?

Get your free design.

Doors, Windows, Gates

Explore all the ways PIXIE delivers lighting comfort for different rooms in your smart home.
PIXIE Smart home benefits |Smart Home Ideas for Comfort | Control doors, windows, gates

Featured Doors, Windows, Gates Comfort Experience


Choose how much your garage door opens, and how long to wait until it automatically closes again after you drive in or a courier drops off yoour parcels, with mobile notifications to confirm closure.


Discover how the PIXIE Apps deliver on the smart home promise of enhanced comfort
PIXIE Smart home benefits |Smart Home Ideas for Comfort | PIXIE App control


Modern creature comforts to make life more liveable, everyday.


Once you've lived with them, you'll never live without them again.


Your home is always ready for your arrival and departure, automatically.


Peace of mind with confirmation from your smart home system.


Maximise energy savings, minimise un-needed costs throughout your home.

Get Your Free PIXIE Smart Home Design.

PIXIE work with more | Smart Home Ideas for Comfort| Smart home integration made easy

Works with PIXIE // Powered by PIXIE

Keeping your smart home simple to use without being an I.T expert and uncomplicated for your electrician to get working reliably is where PIXIE really outshines.

Our approach is to make your other complimentary and adjacent in-home systems from other equipment vendors just work with PIXIE, simply

PIXIE Works With all of your favourite smart home assistants like Google Home, Amazon Alexa and SIRI shortcuts and ...

No complicated 'system commissioning' , technicians with computers or daily 'tweaking' and attention needed. PIXIE simply works.