Comfort. Convenience. Safety.
Security. Savings.

PIXIE Rooms Inspiration to Customise Your Smart Home
Enter PIXIE Rooms Inspiration to help you choose how PIXIE elevates comfort, convenience, safety, security and savings in your smarter home, using real-world examples.
The challenge can be understanding exactly what you can do and what’s needed to achieve your desired outcome. Your PIXIE Smart Home is easily customised to meet each room’s requirements perfectly.
Click the Room & Discover How PIXIE Transforms Your Home ↓
Get Your Free PIXIE Smart Home Design.
Room by Room.

The PIXIE smart modules offer you the freedom of choice.
Design Freedom
PIXIE fits into just about every wall plate available in Australia today. No need to sacrifice your desired aesthetics to elevate your home to a smart home.
Control Freedom
You are free to select the exact quantity and types of smart devices per room, without comprising on simple, sophisticated control capabilities.