The Australian Smart Home Guide
Hundreds of real-world smart home examples for Australians using the PIXIE Smart Home System
Answering Your Smart Home Questions
Knowing what you can do with your smart home, and which PIXIE smart home components you’ll need to achieve your smart home outcome can be challenging for some home owners.

Upgrade your Aussie Home Today
With PIXIE you can take control of each room easily and unlock a new level of comfort, convenience, safety, security and savings.
Discover the power of PIXIE through each of these lenses with our real-world examples, and embrace the future of smart living.
Control Everything that Dims, Switches and Spins
PIXIE removes complexity by delivering beautiful interfaces without home owners being I.T experts or having to spend hours (or pay someone else to) customising icons and widgets.
We’ve done all the hard work so you don’t have to work hard to enjoy the benefits of your smart home from day one.
Imagine your PIXIE smart home through these five lenses
These 5 simple concepts provide a foundation through which to view the huge array of different smart home applications and outcomes achievable with PIXIE.
Select your Smart Home Lens below to explore more.
Modern creature comforts to make life more liveable, everyday.
Once you’ve lived with them, you’ll never live without them again.
Your home is always ready for your arrival and departure, automatically.
Peace of mind with confirmation
from your smart home system.
Maximise energy savings, minimise un-needed
costs throughout your home.
Get Your Free PIXIE Smart Home Design.
Works with PIXIE // Powered by PIXIE
Keeping your smart home simple to use without being an I.T expert and uncomplicated for your electrician to get working reliably is where PIXIE really outshines.
Our approach is to make your other complimentary and adjacent in-home systems from other equipment vendors just work with PIXIE, simply
PIXIE Works With all of your favourite smart home assistants like Google Home, Amazon Alexa and SIRI shortcuts and ...
No complicated 'system commissioning' , technicians with computers or daily 'tweaking' and attention needed. PIXIE simply works.